Making Money


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February 23, 2023

The Top 10 Saving Tips for 2023: The #1 New Year Resolution

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October 2, 2022

Hi Zappers! It's that time of year again--time to start planning our resolutions for the new year. If saving money is one of your goals, you're in luck! This article will explain how saving money is essential and some intelligent ways to do it. Saving money is vital to taking control of your finances and setting yourself on the path to financial freedom. When you save money, you can invest in yourself, pay down debt more quickly, or even take that dream vacation. The first step is to set up a savings account; if you've already done that, you're already halfway there. So having a savings plan is vital to set yourself up for the future.

Why is Saving Money Important?

Knowing why saving money is crucial can be difficult if you don't understand the point. But putting aside funds for financial emergencies and unforeseen costs is imperative. Whether your short-term goals are a down payment for a house, retirement savings, or a memorable vacation, an emergency fund is necessary - especially when life throws unexpected curveballs. 

Most individuals save by working hard and smartly investing their income in building up wealth over time. Everyone should save to secure their financial future; putting money in a high-yield savings account is smart.

Build your bank balance slowly and start saving.

What are the Best Ways to Save Money Fast in 2023?

By conducting a regular subscription audit, anyone can safely reduce their monthly expenses by hundreds of dollars. It's estimated that this tactic could save people more than $200 each month through 2023. Although they may start small at just $1 per month, over time, these costs can accumulate quickly; statistics show that the average spending on subscriptions grew an astonishingly high amount last year alone -- up to a whopping $273, according to a survey by consulting firm West Monroe. Moreover, in a stunning turn of events, the survey participants drastically underestimated their monthly subscription fees, with estimates in the hundreds.

Meeting your savings goals doesn't have to take long.

What is the 50/20/30 Money Rule?

The 50/20/30 budget rule can help you draw up a reasonable budget that you can stick to over time to meet your financial goals. This easy-to-follow guide provides a framework for allocating your after-tax income into three categories of spending: 50% for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings. The budget rule is a great way to break your finances into manageable pieces that are easy to track and monitor for progress.

What is the 70/30/10 Money Rule?

The 70/20/10 budget guideline follows a similar rule but offers a more structured approach to budgeting. The 70-20-10 breakdown allocates 70% of your income towards your monthly spending (cost of living and discretionary spending), 20% for saving, and 10% for debt repayment and donating. This budget is excellent for individuals who need a more strict structure and are just beginning to learn to manage their income.

What is the 30-Day Rule?

The 30-day Rule is a great way to prevent impulse purchases and help you stay on track with your monthly budget. Tell yourself you will think about it for 30 days to avoid an impulse purchase. Then, take a piece of paper and write down the name of the item, service, etc., where you found it, and how much it costs.

It takes a bit longer, but putting off unnecessary spending can help you maximize limited income.

Place this reminder somewhere visible in your home, such as on the refrigerator. For the next month, consider whether what you buy is a necessity or an impulse purchase. If after thirty days have passed and you still think it would benefit you long-term, go ahead with investing!

Save Your Tax Refund

For many, tax season is a great time to plan for their financial future. If you've got a refund coming your way, it's important to save as much of that money as possible and use it wisely. In addition, consider investing some of your refund towards items that can bring you long-term value (such as stocks or bonds) for maximum return.

Alternatively, you can save money for a rainy day by padding your emergency fund or retirement plan. Additionally, consider investing in yourself, such as taking continuing education classes to further your career. Think of your refund as a bonus you worked hard to get. If it's too much temptation, direct deposit your refund into a high-yield savings account and be done with it.

What are 10 Ways to Start Saving Money?

Now that you know why saving money is important and what budgeting rules to follow, here are 10 practical ways to start putting away more cash and meet your savings goal:

Take up a side hustle

The idea of taking on an extra job can seem daunting, but there are plenty of ways to make money from home. Consider taking a freelance gig or selling items you no longer need online. If freelancing isn't your thing, other options like delivering food, tutoring, or taking surveys online. Set up a separate savings account to put your extra money in and see how your side jobs contribute to the success of your savings goals.

Learn to budget and understand your finances

Before you can start saving money, knowing where your income and expenses stand is essential. Create a budget that works best for you and stick to it. It doesn't have to be the 50/30/20 Rule or any structured system; find out what works for you.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with concepts like savings rate, debt-to-income ratio, learning how credit card debt affects your life, and compound interest - this will help make your financial decisions more intentional and informed.

Turn off notifications that want you to spend money

Social media notifications and store emails can be dangerous to your wallet. Set aside time each week to check out sales, promotions, and discounts instead of being tempted; your bank accounts will thank you.

Online shopping is addictive; don't let your checking account suffer.

Cancel any unused subscriptions

As mentioned, subscriptions are a great way to stay on top of tasks and entertainment. However, if you no longer need or use certain subscriptions, it's best to cancel them. The less you pay every month, the more money you can save. Be careful before you start your next subscription service; it could cost you more than it's worth. Save money fast and cut out those subscription services.

Reduce your grocery spending habits

Grocery shopping can easily become overwhelming. Instead, make a list of what you need and stick to it. Take advantage of sales when available and buy in bulk if possible. Plan meals and reduce food waste.

Use coupons and promotional codes

When shopping online, look for ways to save money. Coupon codes and promotions greatly reduce the cost of items you need or want. You should also join loyalty programs as they will undoubtedly provide various benefits.

Break up with brand names

Choosing generic brands over name-brand products can save you considerable money in the long run. However, if you're worried about quality, compare and contrast both options before making your purchase decisions.

Use envelope budgeting system

The envelope budgeting system is an effective way of tracking your spending and sticking to your savings plan. Create envelopes for different categories - bills, food, and entertainment - and divide your cash accordingly. Once the money in the envelope runs out, you'll know it's time to stick to a smaller budget or set aside some savings; however, don't touch your emergency fund. This savings journey requires a person to be incredibly disciplined, so it's not for everyone.

Envelope systems help families pay their living expenses and then some.

Automate your savings account

Set up an automated transfer from your bank account to a savings account that can act as an emergency fund or just extra savings. This will help you save money on top of the money already set aside in your budget that isn't for your monthly bills.

Put your smartphone to work

Some apps help you save money and even invest. Acorns, Digit, and Qapital are popular options in this category. Use them to set aside a certain monthly amount in a savings account or track your spending habits.

How Can I Get Real Cash Online?

There are several ways to make real money online, such as freelancing, taking surveys, selling goods and services on your website or online marketplace, blogging, participating in competitions and contests, joining affiliate marketing programs, and investing in stocks and cryptocurrency markets.

Additionally, you can make money by renting out your home or car on sites like Airbnb and Turo. Making money online can be a great way to supplement your income, but you must ensure you engage in legitimate activities.

Test Websites and Apps

Companies are always looking for people to test their websites and apps. Many companies offer cash rewards or payouts in gift cards for taking part in these tests. Signing up with testing sites like UserTesting, Testbirds, and TryMyUI is a great way to get started. Many companies offer valuable rewards programs that can provide significant savings for their participants.

Be an affiliate

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online but it requires some effort. You'll need to create content relevant to the products or services you're promoting, drive targeted traffic to your blog, and build relationships with potential customers. With a successful affiliate marketing campaign, you can make money through commissions on sales generated from your website or blog.

Typically anyone can get free access to affiliate programs, just make sure you meet their requirements.

Brands have begun to recognize the immense potential of affiliate marketing, with over 80% having implemented an affiliate program into their business model - even allocating more than 10% of their entire marketing budget solely for this purpose. As a result, it has become one of the most profitable industries - valued at an astounding $8.2 billion and providing both brands and affiliates with lucrative opportunities for success.

To start promoting products and services today, you can join affiliate networking sites like ClickBank, ShareASale, CJ Affiliate, and more. With the right strategy, you can make a substantial amount of money in commissions by affiliating with multiple brands.

Take Surveys for Money

Taking surveys is another great way to make money online and meet your savings goal. Many companies will pay for your opinion; you only need to fill out a few survey forms and take a few minutes to answer the questions. Before signing up with any of these sites, read the terms and conditions carefully and understand how much you'll be paid for each survey or testing session.

Can You Actually Get Paid for Taking Surveys?

Yes, you can get paid for taking surveys. Many reputable survey sites pay cash, points, or rewards in exchange for your opinion. The amount of money you can make depends on the type and number of surveys you take and how much each reward pays out.

When Should You Conduct a Survey?

Surveys should be conducted when a company has specific questions that need to be answered. Before launching a survey, create detailed objectives and goals and develop questions accordingly.

Whether you're offering a coupon code or big savings on a purchase, plan your surveys carefully.

Surveys can also provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction, product feedback, market research, and competitive analysis. To create meaningful surveys that accomplish your objectives, you should:

  1. Ask yourself why you're doing a survey
  2. Know your demographics
  3. Know your sample size before designing the survey
  4. Find the best time to conduct the survey (i.e., peak hours)
  5. Design and delivery of the survey to participants

Why Should You Participate in Taking Surveys?

Surveys are a great way to make money online and provide valuable feedback to companies. Participating in surveys can also help you better understand the products or services on the market and provide insights into consumer behavior.

Furthermore, it can be an enjoyable way to break up your day and participate in activities that help shape the future of brands and products. Most respondents take surveys because they want to understand themselves through:

  • Self-Perception
  • Voicing Their Opinion
  • Obligation
  • They Want to Help
  • The Incentives

Uncover answers

Companies want customer insights because they help you make more informed decisions with creating products and services. Whether it's understanding your customers better, tracking performance in the workplace, or gauging public opinion on a specific topic, surveys can provide invaluable data to inform your choices and strategies. With powerful survey tools, you can quickly build and distribute surveys to get timely feedback from your target audience.

Compare results

Surveys can help you compare the differences between audiences, such as customers versus prospects or new users versus returning customers. For example, if you want to measure customer satisfaction with your product or service, you can use surveys to determine how different groups of people rate their experience. This helps companies analyze performance and identify areas for improvement.

Start meaningful discussions

Companies can open a dialogue by engaging customers with surveys and gaining valuable brand, product, or service feedback. Surveys are easy to start conversations with and allow customers to feel heard by enabling them to voice their opinion. This feedback can be the starting point for meaningful conversations that can help shape future product development or customer engagement strategies.

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Surveys are an effective way to measure the success of your brand, products, or services. Companies can use surveys to identify areas where they're doing well and identify weak points that need improvement. This helps companies stay ahead of the competition by focusing on areas that need improvement and developing strategies to improve.

Surveys should always have free admission.

Develop and understand the audience

Surveys can help companies better understand their target audience by uncovering insights about customer behaviors, habits, preferences, and needs. This allows companies to create targeted marketing campaigns and product offerings tailored to their customer's interests. Surveys also provide a helpful snapshot of the market and can be used to inform new business strategies and decisions.

Get objective information

Surveys can help companies collect accurate, objective information from customers quickly and efficiently. By asking the right questions, surveys provide a way for companies to uncover trends or patterns in customer behavior that they couldn't find through traditional methods. This helps organizations make data-driven decisions that are based on accurate insights.

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Surveys are an effective way to measure the success of your brand, products, or services. Companies can use surveys to identify areas where they're doing well and identify weak points that need improvement. This helps companies stay ahead of the competition by focusing on areas that need improvement and developing strategies to improve. Surveys can also help identify customer preferences and needs, so companies can better tailor their products or services.

How Do I Save Money Using Online Surveys?

One great way to save money is by conducting online surveys. Companies can use online surveys to get accurate and timely customer feedback at a fraction of the cost of traditional market research methods. With powerful survey tools, companies can easily create and distribute surveys to target audiences and get real-time results in an affordable way.

By using online surveys, companies can save money on market research and gain insight into customer preferences and needs. This helps companies better serve their customers, create more targeted marketing campaigns, and remain competitive. In addition, surveys are an effective way to get valuable data without spending much money.

Survey takers can also benefit from taking surveys as they can make money in the process. Survey takers are often rewarded with points, gift cards, and other rewards for completing surveys. This money-saving opportunity allows survey-takers to get some extra spending money or save up for a particular purchase. Instead of using money-saving rules, you can contribute your finances to your money goals and use your extra cash for what matters most.

Saving doesn't always mean instant gratification, but everyone should still do it.

When you complete an online survey, you are also helping companies improve their products and services. Every time you answer a survey question, it provides valuable information that can help companies make better decisions on product development and marketing strategies. By taking surveys, you are directly contributing to the success of a company's business model.

How Can Using Zap Surveys Fill Your Savings Accounts?

With Zap Surveys, users have the opportunity to fill their savings accounts with ease and convenience. By leveraging the world's largest brands and an intense focus on user experience, Zap Surveys make it easy for businesses to generate more revenue while providing an enjoyable survey-taking experience for its users.

The survey designs keep users more engaged, lead them to convert more often, and provide significant opportunities to save money over time. Additionally, Zap Surveys offer customizable parameters that companies can use to ensure that surveys align with user preferences and generate more income for both parties.

With these features combined, Zap Surveys make it easy for anyone to start filling their savings accounts. So if your goal is to be more financially independent this year, choose Zap Surveys– it may be the best choice you make this year.

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